Ornamental Breeding and Genetics

This website has been developed to inform readers about the importance of Ornamental Breeding and Genetics of various crops (cut flowers, potplants, garden plants, bulbous plants see also LiliumBreeding, the main breeding companies of these crops and an overview of the used breeding techniques.


EUCARPIA section ornamentals organize every 3 years a symposium on this topic. In 2009 more than  280 ornamental researchers, breeders and others interested in breeding and genetics of ornamental plants have participated in the 23rd meeting held in Leiden, The Netherlands. The 24th meeting was held in 2012 in Warsaw, Poland. The 25th meeting was held in 2015 in Melle, Belgium, The 26th meeting was held in 2019 in Erfurt (https://www.eucarpia-ornamentals2018.org/). The 27th meeting was in held in 2023 June 2-5 in Genoa, Italy.


The Third International Lilium Symposium was held in Zhangzhou, China April 1-3, 2014 (see Acta Hortic 1027).





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